Election letter-writing template

Download, or copy and paste, our letter template below

To help you write letters to MPs (sent via email or post), we’ve created a free downloadable letter-writing template you can use. Simply copy and paste our letter-writing template text, or download our document using the link below to get started.



Title and name of MP [Hon/Mr/Ms/Dr, and then their first and last name, see this link for specific titles to use

MP’s job title 

Political party name 


Tēnā koe/dear [title and name of MP], 

Three actions you could include in your mental health policy this election 

My name is [your name] and I live in [name of your electorate].  

I would like to draw your attention to three actions you could include in your party’s mental health policy this election. These are actions that address issues I care deeply about, and that may be important to other people in my electorate, too.

1. I would like [political party name] to fund programmes that give people practical tools to support their own mental health, when and where they need it. 

[Say why you would like them to do this] Right now, nearly one in four adults in New Zealand experience poor mental wellbeing. Mental health services can only reach one person at a time, so we need an additional approach to help all people enjoy good wellbeing. We need ways to support people before they need it.

[Include an example of what they could do, or use an example from your community, iwi or hapū] There are some programmes like this that are successful. For example, Sparklers is a programme offering a range of activities that boost wellbeing (for year 1-8 students) and ongoing tips and support to use them (for educators, parents and whānau).  

[Add in why this programme works] In 2020, 90% of teachers agreed Sparklers made a positive difference for students.  

This programme gives our tamariki (children), teachers and caregivers the tools to support their wellbeing, tools they can use for the rest of their lives.  

[Include a specific ask] I ask that your party's mental health policy funds programmes that give people tools to support their own mental health, and the mental health and wellbeing of their friends, whānau and family, before they need mental health services.  

 [Tell them where they can learn more] You can learn more about these kinds of programmes at valuewellbeing.nz.

2. I would like [name of political party] to [insert your ask here]. 

I would like you to consider doing this because [insert your reasons why you would like them to consider the action you’d like them to take. You can include relevant personal experiences you have had, if you feel comfortable to]. 

For example [insert an example of what you would like them to do. The example could be from your community, iwi or hapū. If you have statistics or stories about how this example is successful, include them here.]

Specifically, I ask that your party [insert your ask here – a specific action you would like them to take]. 

You can learn more about my request here [insert a website link relevant to your request, if you know of one]. 

3. I would like [name of political party] to [insert your ask here]. 

I would like you to consider doing this because [insert your reasons why you would like them to consider the action you’d like them to take. You can include relevant personal experiences you have had, if you feel comfortable to]. 

For example [insert an example of what you would like them to do. The example could be from your community, iwi or hapū. If you have statistics or stories about how this example is successful, include them here]. 

Specifically, I ask that your party [insert your ask here – a specific action you would like them to take]. 

You can learn more about my request here [insert a website link relevant to your request, if you know of one]. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. I look forward to your response. 

Ngā mihi nui/yours sincerely, 

[Sign your name here

[Insert your address or other contact details, so they can send you a reply


Click on the file version below to download.