Kia ora, talofa and si’oto’ofa!
We’re building a social movement to end judgement and discrimination against people who live with mental illness or distress, and we need your wisdom, insights and experience to bring it to life!
If you’ve ever felt judged for living with mental distress or illness, you’ll know that judgements from others can be more than just hurtful—they’re harmful too. Even though 47% of people in Aotearoa will experience mental distress or illness at some stage in their lives, mental distress discrimination still occurs. This discrimination can affect access to employment, housing, healthcare and insurance. Discrimination is one of the biggest barriers to recovery and, tragically, can discourage people from seeking support when they need it the most.
The Nōku te Ao: Like Minds Social Movement will work to turn this around and make Aotearoa a place where people who experience mental illness or distress are respected, included, valued, and treated with dignity.
If you have lived experience of mental illness or distress, we’d love to learn from you. Together, we can make meaningful, lasting change.
Kōrerotia! Speak up for your past, for your future and for your whānau.
How can I get involved?
Join our Nōku te Ao: Like Minds MediaWatch on Facebook to report a news story or article you feel contributes to unhelpful stereotypes about people with mental distress. Our media guidelines and media factsheets can help you spot some of these articles, too.
We always love questions! If you have pātai about the Nōku te Ao: Like Minds programme or the growing Social Movement, email us at
We’re on a mission to make Aotearoa a more inclusive, safe, and uplifting community for all. It will take a village! So, join us and share your kōrero to help make change for the better!
You can learn more about the Nōku te Ao: Like Minds programme we are a part of here.