Five Ways to Wellbeing at Work

These resources help workplaces prioritise mental health to ensure employees have improved wellbeing, greater morale and higher job satisfaction.
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Enhancing mental wellbeing – Five Ways to Wellbeing at Work

These resources will support you to introduce mental health and wellbeing into your workplace and focus on promoting positive mental health, using five simple and proven actions. You’ll learn about the Five Ways to Wellbeing (Connect, Be Active, Keep Learning, Give and Take Notice) and how to use them to create organisational/systems change and support people and teams to find balance, build resilience and boost mental health and wellbeing.

The fact sheets and worksheets provide you with the knowledge to frame and explore the issues within your workplace and plan your wellbeing initiative. The comprehensive Facilitator Guide and supporting PowerPoint slides and handouts enable you to deliver the workshop in your own organisation, or others you support. A Word version of some of the worksheets is included so you can tailor it to suit your workplace