Apply now

Nōku te Ao Puna Pūtea Social Action Grants

How do I apply?

To apply: Register for our online grant hub

  1. Fill out your application – this will be in written form. If you’re  ashortlisted applicant, you’ll be asked to prepare a 2 – 3 min video (max) summarising your project.
  2. Submit your fully completed grant application form for review by 11:59 pm, Monday 30th September 2024. Late entries will not be accepted.  

Submission process

Once your application is received, our team will assess it and decide if it’s shortlisted. Applicants who are shortlisted will be asked to prepare a 2-3 min video that answers the following questions: 

  • Brief introduction about the organisation or yourself. 
  • An outline of your project and what you intend to deliver. 
  • How your project will eliminate mental distress discrimination for your priority group? 

Your shortlisted application and video submission will be assessed by an independent judging panel for potential funding.

The panel will be made up of comprises people from the lived experience communities as well as Māori, Pasifika, and Rainbow representatives.  

Final funding decisions will be decided by this independent judging panel. Your application will be assessed against the following scoring card: 

  • A clear method for eliminating mental distress discrimination is outlined: 50 points  
  • Clear project plan outlined, considering any barriers that may impact your project, and how you would overcome them (i.e., Covid, flooding): 25 points  
  • Accurate and clear budget outlined in full: 10 points  
  • Impression of ability to address equity issues for communities most impacted by mental distress discrimination: 15 points  

Total: out of 100