Our 2023 General Election Statement

The MHF vision for change across the mental health system.

The MHF presents a wero (challenge) to political parties ahead of the 2023 election asking what actions they will take to transform our mental health and addiction system to better protect and improve the mental wellbeing of all people. 

To help the parties, we present our vision for change, and some examples of tangible actions that can be adopted to reach a safe, strong, supportive mental health and addiction system. 

These documents will be shared with leaders and members of Aotearoa’s political parties, and with you, the public so we can advocate for change together. 

Our moemoeā:

We want all Aotearoa to be a place where people enjoy a good level of mental wellbeing where people who experience mental distress or addiction are treated with dignity and given the choice of holistic, effective support, when and where they need it to recover and regain their wellbeing. Family and whānau will have the support and information, and services have the flexibility and resourcing, to meet these needs. 


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