Nōku te Ao Kaupapa Māori principles

What they mean, and how you can speak to them in your application

Nōku te Ao strategy is grounded in kaupapa Māori, and the Puna Pūtea | Social Action Grants fall under this programme. This means that your grants application must speak to kaupapa Māori principles in some way. We do this to ensure that our work to end mental distress discrimination is equitable and benefits everyone in Aotearoa, and to be the best Te Tiriti o Waitangi partners that we can be. 

Choose one or more principles from our document below and look at our tips on how you could speak to them. These principles are in no particular order – all hold equal weighting. 

We also encourage and strongly support applications that hold space for and utilise Pacific knowledge, approaches, values and practices, both in isolation and alongside our kaupapa Māori principles. 


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