Everyone deserves to enjoy good mental health and wellbeing.
But good wellbeing doesn’t happen by accident – it’s affected by how we live, think and what’s happening around us – including laws and public policy.
What do our policy and advocacy team do?
We advocate for positive changes to the mental health and wellbeing system, and the laws and policies that govern it. If we can change the power structures, we can help remove barriers to good wellbeing, and promote supports that help all people in Aotearoa New Zealand be well, and stay well.
How do we do this? By making written submissions on proposed policies and laws, and providing persuasive policy advice to government and decision-makers, often alongside others. This advice is independent of government and political parties (we are a NGO/charity) and supported by our wonderful fundraisers across the motu.
How can I get involved?
We’re really glad you asked! We regularly run campaigns you can get involved in. Click on the boxes under ‘What we’re working on now’ for more information.
You can also sign up to our regular e-newsletter for updates and opportunities, or click on our ‘Resources’ box to access, read and share our resources for free.