Nōku te Ao: Social Movement  Co-design Report

Share your thoughts on our draft insights report
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Kia ora, talofa and si’oto’ofa!  

The Nōku te Ao Social Movement is a movement dedicated to ending judgement and discrimination against those of us with mental distress or illness. The Movement’s mission is to make Aotearoa New Zealand a place where people with mental health challenges are respected, included, valued, and treated with dignity.  

The Movement has travelled across the motu to hear from people with mental distress and heard their expert solutions to end mental distress discrimination for good. Some people shared their lived experience wisdom by filling out a survey. 

If you’ve been a part of this process alongside us, ngā mihi nui ki a koe (thank you so much)! Your collective insights and solutions for change are gathered in our draft report Me Haere Ngātahi Tātou | Shared Journeys – Voices of the Lived Experience Community. 

Why is this report important?

The mahi (work) the Nōku te Ao Social Movement will carry out in the years to come will be heavily guided by what’s recommended in this report. If something’s missing in this draft report or not quite right, it’s important to let us know to ensure the mahi we do will truly help end mental distress judgement and discrimination.

How do I provide feedback?

You can download and read: 

  • Our full draft report 
  • Our draft ‘8 key recommendations for change’ flyer, which describes the key actions we plan to take, and ask other groups to take, to end mental distress discrimination.

Once you’ve reviewed the draft report and flyer, please fill out this survey to share your thoughts by 18 July 2024. 

Please note our report and recommendations flyer are still in draft - please do not distribute or replicate them. We will launch the final report publicly at a later stage, once all your important feedback has been received

Submit your feedback here 

Have more pātai (questions)?

If you have any further pātai or kōrero around this report, or would like to meet the team behind it, you can book a drop-in session with our team.  

Please click the button below to register for a drop-in session, and we’ll send an invite to your email address.  

We extend our heartfelt appreciation to everyone who participated in the wānanga sessions, surveys, and discussions that shaped this report.  

Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou – we couldn’t have created this draft report without you. 

Book a drop-in session

We have zoom sessions running on July 9th, 12th and 17th, Please click the button to register for a drop-in session, and we’ll send an invite to your email address. Please let us know which session you would like to attend in your email.

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We extend our heartfelt appreciation to everyone who participated in the wānanga sessions, surveys, and discussions that shaped this report.  

Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou – we couldn’t have created this draft report without you.