Lived Experience Wānanga

Community Champions Edition
Found in: News
Date: 24 October 2023
Lived Experience Wānanga

Registrations are now closed

This November, the Nōku te Ao Social Movement team will be hosting an Auckland wānanga/workshop for our lived experience community. Come along to connect, network, and participate in workshops that are designed to support and empower you to be a voice for change. We’ll provide an open and welcoming space for you to enjoy some free kai and wānanga in our community champions and storytelling workshops.

Day: Wednesday 8th November
Time: 10am – 1pm (Lunch included)
Theme: Community Champions Edition

Workshop 1: Activating your inner lived experience champion 

 In this session, we’ll wānanga/workshop about what it means to be a lived experience champion in today’s society. The challenges of overcoming unfair judgements and stereotypes can be both devastating and isolating. We’ll explore ways the Nōku te Ao Social Movement team can support and empower you to overcome discrimination and be a lived experience champion in your community. 

Workshop 2: How to champion your lived experience story in a safe way 

Led by Lived Experience Advisor Chloe Shaw 

In this presentation-style workshop, we’ll hear from Lived Experience Advisor Chloe Shaw about the process she went through to share her story in a safe and very public way. When people share their lived experience story, in a safe way, it alleviates the stigma by bringing awareness to the unspoken. Discover best-practice resources and safety aspects to keep in mind, plus, a framework of what to include, when deciding how you want to tell your story. 

Workshop 3: Redefining the language around mental distress – kupu/word brainstorm 

In this brainstorming session, we’ll come together to address the vocabulary in the room by facilitating a safe space for attendees to share their whaakaro/thoughts around the power of inclusive language. From diagnostic jargon to safe terminology, there are a variety of ways to articulate and define one's experience. This session is an excellent way to round out the learnings from the prior workshops and master the art of safe storytelling. 

Your lived experience of mental distress is powerful, and here at Nōku te Ao we want to support and elevate opportunities for you to be a voice for change. Discrimination plays a big role in deeply affecting the lives of those who experience mental distress. Our kaupapa/purpose is dedicated to ending discrimination towards people with experience of mental illness or distress. If you live with severe mental distress and stay in or around Tāmaki Makaurau, we’d love for you to attend our wānanga hosted by Nōku te Ao and the Mental Health Foundation. We’ll be creating a safe and welcoming space for you to connect with others in the lived experience community. Come along and join in our workshops that are designed to support and build your skills as a Community Champion.