Looking after others

Our workplace wellbeing work is to help businesses and organisations obtain optimal mental health for their people.
one in five New Zealanders will experience mental illness this year. Right now, you or someone in your workplace is likely to be affected. 

Everyone has mental health, and nearly half of all New Zealanders are likely to experience a mental illness at some point in their lives, with depression and anxiety being the most common.

 In any workplace there will be a range of mental health experiences across employees and this will change over time. 

There are huge benefits to creating a workplace culture where it’s okay to talk about mental health. Your employees are your greatest asset - you need them to feel confident, happy and engaged in their work, so that productivity is high. 
There are several reasons to make mental health a priority in your workplace:

  • Mental health issues are common
  • Safe and healthy workplaces are good for business
  • Ignoring mental health issues costs employers
  • Mental health is affected by both work and what is happening in our lives
  • It is the law.