Rochelle Gillespie

Rochelle cares deeply about the wellbeing of our rangatahi, so that they can fulfil their potential and be the change they want to see in the world.
Found in: Team Members (Team Members)
Position: Team Lead – Communications & Marketing
Pronouns: -
Rochelle Gillespie

Rochelle has many years of experience in radio and TV news, and magazines. Before joining MHF she ran the communications and fundraising for a small but mighty non-profit working in the family violence and family support space.

She is the chairperson of her local high school and cares deeply about the wellbeing of our rangatahi, so that they can fulfil their potential and be the change they want to see in the world.

When the youngest of her three children started school, she coped by getting a puppy. Her eldest has just moved out of home to go to university. Needless to say, they are now a two-dog family.

Rochelle Gillespie