Kevin Allan

Kevin is a longstanding supporter of the Foundation’s work. He has a strong commitment to promoting mental wellbeing in Aotearoa New Zealand and doing so in a way that upholds the Treaty of Waitangi.
Found in: Team Members (Our Board)
Position: Board Chair
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Kevin Allan

Kevin is a longstanding supporter of the Foundation’s work. He has a strong commitment to promoting mental wellbeing in Aotearoa New Zealand and doing so in a way that upholds Te Tiriti o Waitangi. He also has personal experience of the impact of mental health challenges. 

Kevin has a broad range of leadership experience in the health, disability and justice sectors, developed in senior positions in the public service and non-government organisations, His core skills include developing and implementing strategy, building collaborative relationships, and supporting organisations to thrive and develop in serving their communities.  He has recently been appointed a member of the Minister for Veterans Advisory Board.   

His previous roles include Mental Health Commissioner, Chief Executive of The Life Flight Trust, Chief Executive of CCS Disability Action, Deputy Secretary of the Ministry of Justice and Performance Review Manager with the Public Service Commission. He has also undertaken several governance roles including Chair of the Mary Potter Hospice. Kevin's academic qualifications are in law, and he is a member of the Institute of Directors. 

Kevin Allan