FASD-CAN – Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Care Action Network

Supporting individuals and families of those with FASD
Found in: Community Support Groups / Family/Whānau Support
Region: Nationwide

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder is a neuro-developmental disorder caused by exposure to alcohol in the uterus. Individuals with FASD, although often presenting as neuro-typical, can experience complex reasoning, behavioural, learning and intellectual problems.

FASD is a permanent brain injury which affects a person throughout their lifetime. In Aotearoa, it’s estimated to affect over 3000 newborns annually and up to 60,000 children under the age of 18. It’s estimated to be more common than autism, Down syndrome and cerebral palsy combined.

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Care Action Network is a collective of parents, caregivers and professionals who are united in our objectives: to connect and strengthen those affected by FASD. They are a registered charity and an incorporated society.

Through their website, training, webinars, Facebook page, two Facebook support groups (Parents and Professionals and Parents and Carers), their ‘Navigators’ who directly support whānau, and face-to-face support groups around the motu, FASD-CAN helps those impacted by FASD to live their best lives. 

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