Give, tukua

Give your time, your words, your presence; tukua te wā ki a koe, ō kupu, ko koe tonu.

Volunteering and being involved with your community is strongly linked with feeling good and functioning well.

Carrying out acts of kindness, whether small or large, can increase happiness, life satisfaction and general sense of wellbeing. By helping others, sharing our skills and resources, we’re doing things that give us purpose and a sense that we’re a part of a team. Giving is important for everyone – no matter what age you are! Giving helps develop children’s brains and supports them to learn to be kind and generous. Giving gives adults a sense of purpose and improves self-esteem. Older people who have left the workforce benefit hugely from sharing their time, knowledge, skills and resources.  

Do something nice for a friend, or a stranger. Thank someone, smile, or volunteer your time by joining a community group. It feels good to give! Everybody has something to offer. How will you play your part? 
  • Join or start and develop a neighbourhood Time Bank.
  • Take opportunities to support and advocate for groups, friends, family or neighbours in need.
  • Give a smile away!
  • Organise or promote random acts of kindness days at school, work or when you're out with a group.
  • While driving, stop to let a car into the traffic.
  • Offer to mow the grass verge of your neighbour's property.
  • Join a community clean up day - could be a local stream, river, beach or park - or a tree planting project with friends or family.
  • If you have fruit trees pop your excess fruit out on the street with a "help yourself" sign. 
  • Donate old toys, books, sports equipment, clothes etc to a local charity.
  • Help with school working bees and fundraisers.
  • Offer to help an older neighbour with their wheelie bins on rubbish/recycling days.
  • Give a compliment – acknowledge what someone in your life has done well.