Firstly, recognise that you are not likely to be as productive at work as you would normally be. Make sure your manager or employer understands your situation by being honest and open about the challenges you might be experiencing. If you are a solo parent, juggling work and parenting can be especially difficult, so it’s even more important to try and help your employer to understand your situation.
If your children are remaining at home and doing distance learning, recognise that they are not likely to be learning in the same way as they would be if they were physically at school. Juggling your own work as well as trying to support your children to learn can be a challenge. Communicate with the school or the teacher/s of your tamariki – you can only do your best.
Some parents may feel like they are failing at their mahi and as a parent because of all the extra demands on their time and attention, especially with younger tamariki. The reality is parents cannot succeed at being brilliant productive employees, parents and household managers all at the same time. It just isn’t possible right now. Now is a time to lower your expectations of what you think you can achieve and give yourself smaller, more realistic goals. That does not make you a failure but provides a more balanced, happier and healthier household.
Remember to be kind to yourself.