Are you worried someone is thinking of suicide?

Many people may be experiencing increased feelings of worry, anxiety or sadness as Aotearoa and the world continues to respond to COVID-19. Some people you know may be having thoughts or feelings about suicide.

People who feel suicidal often feel they are alone and their family, whānau and friends would be better off without them. Support from people who care about them, and connection with their own sense of culture, identity and purpose, can help them to find a way through.

If you’re worried about someone, reach out to them. Trust your gut and get in touch if you’re concerned. If you are able to go and visit, pick up the phone, send a text, contact them via social media and find out if they’re okay. Let them know you’re there and always will be.

Need to talk? Free call or text 1737 to chat with a trained counsellor. It’s confidential and they are available at any time.

If you’re worried they may be thinking about suicide don’t be afraid to ask them directly. If someone says they are having thoughts or feelings about suicide, it’s important to take them seriously.