Suicide postvention support for a workplace

Guidance and resources for employers and organisational leaders following the suspected suicide of a staff member.
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A ‘postvention response’ describes all the steps taken following a suspected suicide that support people who may be impacted. It includes any processes, actions and activities undertaken in the days, weeks, months and years following. 

After a staff member’s suspected suicide, it’s important to find the right balance. Keeping the workplace functioning and ensuring the wellbeing of your team is vital. Maintaining normal routines and processes, while providing the time and space to give and receive support, can be reassuring for staff. 

“A death by suicide has an impact that is often far-reaching. It can ripple beyond those who were immediately connected with the person who died. Following the death, a critical part of suicide prevention is to provide warm and empathic support within the workplace.”  
- Mark, peer support worker

A guide for workplaces: Supporting your staff and organisation after a suspected suicide

This resource offers practical ways to support people affected after a suspected suicide and provides a path towards healing and hope. 

It has been developed alongside people with lived experience of suicide in the workplace, and clinical specialists. Its steps provide clear guidance on the immediate actions that need to be taken to support people in your workplace. 

To share the overall responsibility for effectively using this resource’s guidelines within a workplace, we recommend forming a postvention response team.  

To help guide your postvention response, this resource is divided into critical time periods and includes checklists, key information and templates. These resources can also be downloaded separately. 

It also includes guidance on supporting a team member if they have experienced the suicide loss of a whānau member or close friend outside of work.  


The resources below can be ordered for free or downloaded. Visit the MHF webstore to see our complete range of free suicide prevention and wellbeing resources.